Do Him Good

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What a beautiful statement.  What an achievement to have the above scripture be our husband’s testimony of us.

So, I ask you, have you made his home a respite?  It is a clean, peaceful and happy place.  Does he look forward to coming home to “you” or does he wish he had a man cave to escape “you” and the pressures and stresses of life?

Now, I already hear you saying, “What about me? I too, would like a clean, peaceful and happy place to come home to.”  Trust me when I say, I hear you ladies, loud and clear, lol.  Unfortunately, this is not that blog, sorry.

To do him good and not evil “all” the day of his life with me…Oh boy, like me, you probably have some repenting to do.  Thank God for an opportunity to confess, repent and make that change.  Let’s stop now and repeat this prayer:

              Father, Forgive me. I am sorry that I have not always meant my husband good.  There are times when I have been very selfish, hurtful and deceiving.  Sometimes purposefully and sometimes unknowingly.  I love and appreciate you gifting me with my husband.  I want to be a continuous blessing to him.  Help me to meditate on the above scripture. Holy Spirit, I give you permission to prick my heart when I am straying away for this focal point. Help me to never do evil.  Even when I am angry and frustrated, help me to…sin not.  Bless me now in the precious name of Your son, Jesus.

This is a tall order that the Father has set before us.  This means we do not speak badly about him to our friends and family.  We do not chastise or mock him. We aid in providing good food, clean clothes and especially good loving.  We are not mean or cruel to them. We carefully meet his needs. We help raise the children and alleviate as much stress as possible. This is our life commitment to excellence, service and love.

Sister’s, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, correct?  I believe the key here is “Through Christ”.  If you are anything like me you probably have been doing lots of things through “your feelings” or “emotions”.  That’s where we get in trouble.  Feelings can lead us down a slippery slope. For, feelings are forever changing.  As soon as I use the wrong tone, words or body language, Holy Spirit quickly tugs at me.  I hear myself letting out a big sigh.  That is my clue.  I know it is time to apologize or zip my lip or change my direction. I remind myself that reconciliation is the goal of champion wives, not being right.

Let’s start or continue in the “Do Him Good” direction?

I would love to hear about a time you were headed in your "feelings" but changed directions for reconciliations sake.