Session 1:                 Laying a foundation for success

a)             Get acquainted

b)            Establish expectations and laying foundations for success

c)             Communications 101

d)            Communications 201

Session 2:                Discerning your personal and relationship strengths and needs 

a)             Increase self-awareness and shun self-deception

b)            Recognize and change any bad habits around conflict

c)             Learn how to pull together rather than apart

                                     Stop destructive behavior and began unification 

a)             Realistic outcomes - techniques that lead to peace and healing

b)            Ending avoidance of your relationship and one another

c)             Learn to respectfully make and receive request for change

Session 3:                Major influences and stressors

a)             Rethink Finances

b)            Parent your children toward successful marriages

c)             The in-law factor…cutting the ties that bind

d)            Work, ministries and hobbies

e)             Physical and Emotional Affairs

Session 4:                Walking together towards your full potential 

a)             Identifying the habitual struggles in your marriage

b)            Resolve the struggles using your communication skills

c)             Becoming aware of each other’s needs and satisfying them


                    Exhortation 101

a)             Becoming best friends

b)            Discovering true intimacy

c)             Create and honor core beliefs and values for your marriage

d)            Develop a vision and a marriage statement together

Session 5:                Fan the flames and ignite the fire

a)             Physical hindrances that prevent intimacy in the marriage

b)            Create passion and romance

c)             Move from having sex to making love

d)            Value your tools and technics 

e)             Develop a love schedule and leave time for spontaneity

f)                Create memories of a lifetime  

Session 6:               Embracing your new beginning ceremony

a)             The bond of perfection

b)            The three fold cord

c)             The cleansing

d)            Affirmation  

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